pasta sauce recipe with

Saucy Sauce!

Cook Time: 20 min

Prep Time: 5 min



2 gloves fresh crushed garlic into a paste

1 can tomato puree

1 cup water

RayRay's Garlic and Herbs

Cooking Instructions
This one is SUPER simple but completely bursting with flavor!! You can use this as a pasta sauce, dipping sauce or pizza sauce.  Make some on a Monday and save it for the week as needed!                                                                                  
In a sauce pan add your tomato puree, garlic paste and start with 1 tablespoon of RayRay's Garlic and Herbs and stir in your water until the desired sauce thickness.  Cover and bring to a boil over low heat and reduce until at your desired thickness.  The boiling will infuse the flavors and create an absolutely incredible marinara!
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